The Visibility Club 

Here’s a wild fact to liven up your day: Did you know it’s The Bahamas and not just Bahamas? As in, the legal name of the country is The Bahamas 🤔 (Ya, neither did I, but I’m here for it.)

This recently came up when I built a direct booking website for an Airbnb host with three fabulous cottages in The Bahamas. (Quick shameless plug: check it out here because your very own private pink sand beach? Yes, please 🙋‍♀️)

While proofreading the site, my client emailed me to let me know that I’d made a mistake. She said, “Amylee, it’s Eleuthera THE Bahamas, not Eleuthera Bahamas.”

As a self-respecting SEO strategist, I immediately… did nothing.

Instead, I went back to check my trusty keyword research. And what I found blew my mind.

The search traffic difference between “Eleuthera Bahamas” and “Eleuthera The Bahamas” is night and day.

People search “Eleuthera Bahamas” on average 4,700 times per month, with a top potential traffic of 6,100 searches. Searches for “Eleuthera The Bahamas”? Only 10 searches per month!

That’s not a typo.

That’s a 199% difference in potential traffic! 🤯

Clearly, I’m not the only one who wasn’t aware of the proper name of The Bahamas.

If I had optimized the website for “the” wrong keyword, it could have left thousands of visitors off the table—and by extension, thousands of dollars.

This is the power (and headache) of Google and keyword research. Sometimes, it’s a game of inches. A single word—like The—can make or break your visibility—even if the spelling is correct.

Here’s the lesson: Not all keywords are created equal. You can pour hours into creating great content, but if it’s optimized for the wrong keywords, it’s like shouting into the void.

And because I hate seeing small business owners miss potentially big opportunities, I’m offering you personalized free keyword research this week!

👉 Reply to this email with what your business is (no website needed, and I’ll send you 3-5 keywords you can use ANYWHERE to drive more traffic.

Your amazing content deserves an audience of potential customers, not crickets.

I’ve got you!

Amylee Silva
Mama Bear of SEO

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